
Kyle Kues, MBA


My passion for investments began with my grandfather at the age of 8. He would take me to the library to study books of the latest research on companies and the markets, and would watch the financial channels on TV. He taught me to love the research process and got me started with investing. After my first trade, I was hooked.

Now I am here to bring that love to you. I am here to meet you where you are in your financial journey. I want to provide solution and guidance for you, and teach you more about how Financial Planning helps you to maximize your money today, and in the future.

I earned my B.B.A. in Management from the University of Oklahoma, and my M.B.A. from the Hochschule Pforzheim in Pforzheim, Germany. I have run small business in the US and worked for one Fortune's Global 25 largest companies while living in Germany. This has given me quite a breadth of experience, and I am ready to bring this to the table to aide you in reaching your goals.

Learn More About Me

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would be the first three things you would buy?
I lived in Europe for five years so would definitely be a vacation house back there first, then new car and a new watch.

What’s the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?
At home with my family (my wife, two little ones, and our miniature schnauzer), chasing our two little kids around the house. In the fall watching football for sure! Boomer Sooner!

Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
Moving back from Europe we could have lived anywhere in the US and we chose the mountains.

Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
I’d wish to always have perfect health for my family, be able to teleport anywhere in the world, unlimited travel budget.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Be where you are. Maximize your experience in whatever stage of life you find yourself.